Tuesday, February 24

Happy Fauschnaut Day!

"According to Pennsylvania Dutch folklore, the tradition of serving fastnachts - hearty, doughnut-like pastries - comes from the tradition of "using up the fat in the kitchen" before Lent."

And so today, in honor of Fat Tuesday/Shrove Tuesday/Fastnacht Day (spelled many ways) I decided to make some! I told myself that I wasn't going to demand perfection, just the act of having the courage to try it was enough. It's amazing what happens when you give yourself that kind of freedom. It was so enjoyable. I made about 2 dozen little fried up dough squares, sprinkled them with powdered sugar and shared them with the Salon below us. And they were quite yummy to boot!


Anonymous said...

I wish I lived closer cause I love Fauschnaut Day and I missed it.I need to take a road..uh..plane trip! :-)

Lauren said...

I'm so impressed that you made your own. I remember making them with Cindy Kulp one year in our home-school group :) This year I had to settle for Giant's version...